Thursday, September 26, 2013

Emily and Michael and I met in August of 2012. They were planning their interfaith wedding ceremony at the Carolina Inn set for September 21, 2013. They had spoken with Rabbi Andrew Ettin in Winston-Salem and he referred them to me. Since I was already on the Carolina Inn preferred vendor list, they contacted me. They wanted a co-officiated ceremony so that both faiths were represented. I explained how I work with couples in co-creating their ceremony so that it is exactly what they envision. They really liked that idea and so we signed a contract and began our work together. I sent them many interfaith ceremonies including ones I had co-officiated with Rabbi Ettin. They chose their elements and then sent the first draft to me. After editing it, we sent the ceremony to Rabbi Ettin for his review and input. They also answered questions about how they met and fell in love and what they love about each other which we incorporated into the ceremony. Then the Rabbi and I divvied the ceremony sections up between the two of us so that we alternated speaking during the ceremony. It was quite lovely, but unfortunately and to Michael's great dismay, the weather on their wedding day was not lovely. It was a rain-soaked weekend and there was no way to have their ceremony in the Ann Hill Courtyard. The Carolina Inn is well-prepared for Plan B and had this lovely ballroom ready for us. This ballroom is so cheery with its happy colors.
So, when Marty and I arrived, the room was all set up. The Chuppah was up but the table was too large for all 4 of us to stand under so I asked for a smaller table which we then relocated to the back corner of the Chuppah. (You can't tell in the photo but the column behind the table actually protrudes out about a foot.) The pretty florals were provide by Tre Bella. Suzanne Ledwith with Sally Oakley Personalized Wedding Planning was on hand to direct the entire event along with Melissa Sayre with the Carolina Inn. They did a fabulous job.
The Arioso Strings trio got set up and began practicing. The best man was so impressed at how good they were and whispered to me that there were many musicians attending this ceremony that would be very pleased. Michael, our groom, is also a musician. They chose well!
The Old Well Room was ready for the reception. See the projected "writing on the wall" for Emily and Michael.
They had not one but two great DJs for the wedding--Frankie and Jason from Island Sound. They provided amplification for me and the Rabbi for the ceremony and all the music for the reception. I know it rocked!  James with Island Sound also videoed the wedding.
The line up! Rabbi Ettin and I have done many weddings together in the past 10 or 12 years and have become friends. If I ever have a question about a Jewish tradition, he is my resource! He is a dear to drive all the way to the Triangle to officiate.
The two lovely ladies in next are Emily's grandmother Anne and her daughter, Emily's Aunt Judie. I hope Anne does not mind me saying this but she proudly told me she was 92. She looks fantastic and I would be proud to tell my age too!
 Michael's parents, Sandy and Bruce.
Best man, Eric, and Maid of Honor, Randall, ready to enter last before the bride and her parents.
 Waiting for the bride! 
And so we began. The room was packed and there were no side aisles to shoot photos from.
It was so much fun for me to share their story and their guests ate it up. Theirs is a really good story!
 Vows and rings......then the Seven Blessings followed by the drinking of the wine.
 The official pronouncement of marriage....
The blessing of the couple......canted by the Rabbi in Hebrew then translation: "May God bless you and keep you. May God's radiance shine on you and be bountiful to you. May God's goodness be upon you and grant you peace." 
Michael broke the glass then we all shouted "Mazeltov" followed by the kiss....
Out they go! On to the South Parlor to sign the Ketubah!
On her way, Emily peeks at the beautiful cake by Ashley Cakes.
The Ketubah is written in Hebrew. It conveys the spiritual covenants the bride and groom make with each other. The couple signed, their best man and maid of honor, then the rabbi.
A final photo of the four of us! Terry with Carolina Mediastar, our official photographer, set this one up making the rabbi and I "bookends!" Michael and Emily, great wedding! I wish you the very best in life!
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26 Sep 2013

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