Monday, September 30, 2013

Julie was born and grew up in Durham, NC. She told me that she had always dreamed of having her wedding at Duke Gardens and her dream came true on September 27, 2013 when she and her sweetheart, Dickie, tied the knot. They live in Martinsville VA and planned this wedding from a distance. I didn't meet them face to face until the rehearsal. The wedding day was amazing. Duke Gardens was in full fall colors and the foliage was fuller than ever, I suppose from all the rain we have had this year.
Their wedding took place in a new spot in the gardens for weddings and it is spectacular. It is called the Rollins Overlook and literally overlooks the fish pond and the pergola as you can see from this photo. There is access to the Overlook from Flowers Street but no parking, just a drop off place.
Here is the view of the Overlook from the pergola. 
Their guest book was set on a stand and as the guests began arriving, they signed it.
In the meantime, all the guys were hanging out at the fish pond area.
When it was time, the bridesmaids processed in. The maid of honor is Lauren, Julie's daughter.
 This is Scarlett, our little flower girl. 
Here comes the bride. On the right is Anne, her friend and director of the wedding. On the left is Scott, Anne's brother and photographer of the wedding.
Julie's father is deceased and her stepfather, Bob, was determined to walk her down the aisle despite having a new artificial leg.
 Our ring bearer is Alex, Dickie's grandson.  
They had a family unity sand ceremony and the shadowbox container was a little tricky to pour the sand into. The rock "table" is not as level as it looks so I held the container lest it tip over and spill. Lauren is pouring in some of her purple sand.
Alex pours in his blue sand.
Julie and Dickie topped it off with more of their sand, completely filling and overflowing, so we are wiping off the extra!
Dickie and Julie, you are a great couple and I know you are so happy to be married to each other. I wish you all the best!! It was a pleasure working with you and thank you for choosing me to officiate for you!
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30 Sep 2013

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