Thursday, September 19, 2013

Sarah and Jason planned their dream wedding! The date was September 14, 2013 at Shady Wagon Farm in New Hill NC. The weekend began with delicious fall temperatures, clear and crisp. Perfect. Shawn Schindler of Your Special Day was their wedding planner so every detail was expertly handled and the wedding day went without a hitch. 
As we turned in to the farm, this cute sign with the purple and green balloons announced the wedding.
I found out from Cindy, the owner, creator and resident (along with her husband Doug) of this lovely venue, explained that the crop growing in the background that looks like "pygmy corn with a tassel" is milo, a crop grown for livestock. It sure makes a lush green meadow.
The grassy area in front of the farmhouse is the ceremony area. The gazebo extends out into the lake. (When I first started doing weddings here years ago, there was no border of flowers and logs, no brick walkway, and no gazebo. Cindy adds something new every wedding, I think!)
Sometimes the entire wedding party is out in the gazebo but Sarah and Jason wanted to be closer to their guests so we had the ceremony in front of the gazebo--a really nice arrangement for everyone. The florals were done by Expressions of Love florist.
This is the main house where the owners live. The bride and parents and grandparents hide out there before the wedding. Oh, I was in there too!
Cindy just keeps embellishing the farm! She has a windmill and most recently brought in this cute little general store! And, she actually sells things like candy, cough drops, batteries, etc. there. There is even an outhouse in the back though it did not look "functional" to me!
The guests began arriving. They signed the guest book and got something cool to drink.
On Marty's way over to get photos of the reception area in the barn, she snapped this photo of the bride being whisked away into the farmhouse before the ceremony. That is Shawn on the left and father of the bride, Pete, on the right.
View of the ceremony site from the other side of the lake.
This is the pavilion off the back of the barn where the guests enjoy cocktail hour before going inside the barn for dinner and then back out to the pavilion for dancing the night away!
The interior of the barn was all set up and ready!
Cinda's Creative Cakes made this beautiful cake.
Arioso Strings were all set up and playing prelude music while the guests were being seated.
Shawn announces that it is time to begin the processional! Always love working with Shawn. She is a pro. Her assistant Mandy was there too.
After Jason's grandmother was seated, his parents, Debbie and Bill entered. They came all the way from Hawaii for the wedding.
Mother of the bride, Kathy, was escorted in by her son, Matthew.
After I started on my way in, Jason on the right and Sean, his brother and best man on the left, made their way down the aisle.
After all the bridesmaids and Shannon, the Matron of Honor had processed in, Sarah's sister Allison, Maid of Honor, came down the aisle.
Mr. Puddy, resident cat at the farm. I love Mr. Puddy! He is more like a dog than a cat. He runs out to greet people and is so friendly. One wedding he walked down the aisle during the ceremony, got spooked and dashed back up to the porch were he scampered across the keyboard of the pianist, nearly scaring her to death, and created his own discordant music! Today he decided to play it cool and just watched from the sidelines! 
Awaiting the bride. Notice the photographer, Christobal with Azul Photography, and videographers Jeff and Emily with Jeff Brewer Films were all set up to capture every wonderful image of this storybook wedding. 
Mandy carried the train so it does not drag in the gravel. I asked everyone to remain seated so that Jason could see Sarah walk from the house to the ceremony. Then everyone stood as she walked down the aisle.
I looked over at Jason tearing up and got my hankie out. 
"Who supports and blesses Sarah as she comes to join in marriage to Jason?"
And now their marriage ceremony begins. It was good that Jason is a lot taller than Sarah or the sun would have been right in her face the whole ceremony!
Jason and Sarah met the summer of 2008 after Jason graduated and got his first "big boy" job a the same company where Sarah was already working. They began to notice each other and hung out with the same crowd after work. They remained work friends only because at the time, they were seeing other people. In 2009, Jason spent a semester abroad and when he returned in 2010, they both found themselves unencumbered and their friends and relatives plotted to get them together although both Jason and Sarah were "wise" to their maneuvers and of course very cooperative. When they went on their first official date, it was obvious that there was more than friendship going on and after a few subsequent dates they became a couple and a few years later decided to tie the knot. And the wedding planning began. Sarah had dreams of her wedding day and Jason was most happy to just go along with her. What do they say? "Happy wife, Happy life?"
This is where I tell each of them what the other told me in confidence as to why they love each other, want to marry each other and what they are looking forward to in marriage. It is such a sweet moment and often quite funny depending on what they reveal to me!
They chose to include the handfasting ceremony so here I am binding their left hands together.
Then they joined right hands which quickly became a problem because it left them unable to wipe their eyes and noses!
So, when we couldn't stand it any more, we took a break so they could wipe their eyes and noses!
It was a "three hankie" wedding! I had two hankies with me, Sarah had one, and Jason had a pocket full of tissues and they used them ALL!
Finally they got through their vows and ring exchange and after a closing blessing, it was time for the pronouncement of marriage.
Assessing the tears and noses situation before the pronouncement is absolutely vital because what comes up next is THE KISS!
All was clear so we proceeded and Jason surprised us all by lifting Sarah up. I do have a sneaky suspicion that they planned this though! But the photo is a testament that Jason had been paying attention at the rehearsal when I told him to put his hands under the veil rather than on top of it during the kiss!
And now, it is my privilege and delight to present to you for the first time, Jason and Sarah, husband and wife! 
Now to celebrate! 
Sarah and Jason, it was my great pleasure to join you in marriage. Working with you was a wonderful experience and I know you are going to have a fabulous future together! Have fun in New Zealand and Australia!
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19 Sep 2013

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