Saturday, September 7, 2013

When we do wedding ceremonies in the Grand Ballroom, followed by sit-down dinners with a dance floor, we have to "flip" the Ballrom, usually in 90 minutes.  Sometimes we have to do it even faster, as was the case today when we were asked to do the turn in 60 minutes or less.

During the time we are doing the "flip" our guests are invited upstairs to the second floor area for cocktails and hors d'oeuvres.  Usually during this time the photographers take a lot of photos as well.

I thought it would be fun to take a time-lapse video of the action so you could see what we do "behind the scene" in order to make this "flip" happen.

You Tube Video of "Flipping the Ballroom"

I posted it on You Tube to make it avalable for you to see.  I hope you enjoy it.

07 Sep 2013

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