Thursday, September 19, 2013

Sana and Thomas came to see me last January to plan their small wedding on September 13, 2013. Their reception was at Caffe Luna but they wanted an outdoor ceremony. At first they were thinking of having the ceremony in Moore's Square but with all the busy foot traffic soon realized it would be difficult to prepare for in advance and would not be very private. Then they discovered the gazebo area of the newly renovated Pullen Park and knew that would be perfect. When Marty and I arrived, the aisle runner was in place and I put my two tables into position. One held the flower arrangement and the other the memory box.
You cannot see here but they had written all the places they had traveled together on the runner in green marker. I had warned them that runners don't stay in place on concrete surfaces unless securely taped down and so white duct tape affixed it to the concrete.
The banner says "Aap muj say shaadi kerogee?  Hanji!"  Which is how Thomas proposed to Sana in her native language of urdu. It literally translates to "Will you marry me?  Yes!"
Chairs for the parents and grandparents held a stone with each person's name painted on it.  
 Their musicians, Billy and the Kuzio, arrived and began the music.
"Oh dear! I can't officiate the ceremony without it." My response to "We can't find the marriage license!" Robin, mother of the groom, finally located the envelope inside a box that had been stashed away in the office at the park. Whew! Let's get on with the wedding now!
On cue, Sana began her walk across one bridge while Thomas walked across the opposing bridge toward her.
 Thomas arrived first and waited for his lovely bride to join him. 
Once we were in place, I invited the guests to gather around so they could hear.
Thomas and Sana chose to have a simple ceremony without much personalization but we did include the Parents' Blessing and the Memory Box into which they placed love letters they had written to each other and sealed without sharing. On their first anniversary they will open the box, have a glass of wine and read the letters. Then they would write new love letters and repeat the process for each anniversary.
Alex, best man, and Robin, Thomas' mom, stayed back and signed the marriage license for me while the other guests were lighting sparklers. 
What fun! 
They had tickets for all the guests to ride the carousel then board the trolley destined for Caffe Luna to celebrate! Congratulations, Sana and Thomas! You planned a unique and fun ceremony that will be remembered always! I wish you all the happiness and love in the world! 
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19 Sep 2013

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