Friday, September 13, 2013


Romantisk og vintageinspirert bryllupsfeiring med klokker som tema. Vakre klokker er med i alle detaljer, og lager en unik og personlig touch gjennom hele dagen. Vi elsker den vakre kjolen til bruden, og fargetema ellers, og de kule guttaboys er dekor bare i seg selv. er den flinke bryllupsfotografen, som har 'stanset tiden' for Inga & Rokas, gjort bildene tidløse, og til evige minner. Ellers har brudeparet laget mye av dekoren selv. En spesiallaget CD, med utvalgt musikk var en personlig og fin gave til bryllupsgjestene. Morsomme accessories til fotografering er alltid kult å bruke, og løser godt opp stemningen, og trenger ikke 'bare' brukes i 'fotoboks'. 

BRUDEPARET FORTELLER: "Although our wedding was neither luxurious nor big, it was exactly the way we wanted it to be. We wouldn't have changed anything! It was very cozy, stylish and original. Even the biggest wedding skeptics were surprised that a wedding can be such an incredible one".

FOTOGRAFEN FORTELLER: The first time I met the couple, I noticed that they have a very good taste and very interesting activities. Inga and Rokas are the "steampunk" style fans that was why clocks became main accent for their love celebration day. They were also happy, and very cooperative with all their vendors and team, helping to organize their wedding day. Inga and Rokas were so creative & crafty, that they did lots of details by themselves: painted greeting tree, made CDs with evening music as gifts for the guests, presented their ideas of menu, guest and invitation cards, and many other cute and lovely things. The bride Inga also followed English tradition, that there should be: something old, something new, something borrowed, Something Blue, and a silver sixpence in her shoe.

The ceremony was held in Klaipeda Botanical Garden full of trees in blossom. Newlyweds whispered “Yes, I do” to each other under the arch decorated with a huge old stylish clock. The clock was stopped at one p.m. to symbolize their start of new life together. The celebration was held at the Friedrich’s arcade, where all guests were welcome with the special cocktails made according to the bride’s dad recipe. All guests sat at different decorated tables close to each other, enjoyed the wine listening to romantic wedding music. A huge cuckoo clock was chosen as decoration for sitting plan. There were table numbers with the lists of guests. As all tables were decorated with clocks it was easy to find everyone’s table number according to the different hour clock showed. Plenty of stopped clocks gave impression of stopped time that enabled all guests and newlyweds enjoy the incredible and romantic Love Celebration.

LEVERANDØRER: Bryllupsfotograf: Redijus Anikanovas // Bryllupsplanlegging: Brudepar og Dega rutos // Bryllupstema: Klokker // Brudekjole: EMMARI // Sko: Irregular Choice // Hår & make-up: Aidos studio // Brudgommens Antrekk: Matule Moda // Gifteringer: Artogeia Bryoni // Brudebukett, buketter og brystbuketter: Ineta Sukackiene // Seremoni: Klaipėda Botanical Garden // Bryllupsmottakelse: Friedrich’s arcade // Mat & Kake: Friedrich’s Arcade // Musikk: Brudeparets egen spilleliste // Dekor: Dega rutos // Invitasjoner / bordkort / menyer: jaunieji hos Dega rūtos // Gjestegave:  CD med utvalgt musikk, laget av brudeparet.


13 Sep 2013

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