Monday, May 5, 2014


Et superkult bryllup ved sjøen, som du bare må bli glad av; for dette brudeparet stråler av lykke, kjærlighet og store smil. Det mest fantastiske med min jobb er å se kjærligheten som feires, på ulike måter rundt om i verden. Or & Omar's freshe picnik bryllup ved sjøen er som den vakreste sommerdag, og foregikk på idylliske Shonit som ligger på stranden i kystbyen Atlit i Israel. Tøyremser i forskjellige farger prydet også deres chuppa - og dekoren var lett og sommerlig, med stripete sugerør, og sommerblomster i kule flasker. Paret selv løp ned midtgangen til sin chuppa. Festen ble holdt i telt på stranden og de 230 gjestene koste seg til langt på natt. Gjestene ble også invitert til å overnatte der, med påfølgende frokost dagen etter. That's just my kind of wedding. Dyktige LIRON EREL var der og tok vare på alle de herlige øyeblikkene sammen med smashing looking portrettbilder av brudeparet.


Best memory of the day: Cliche, we know, but it's so hard to think just about one best memory! But if we HAVE to think about only one, it would probably be the moment when we jumped into the sea after dancing all afternoon! It was refreshing and lots of fun.

Couples tip to other couples: First, decide together on what you want, what type of event, how many people will be invited, what would make you both feel comfortable and romantic on your wedding day. Only after knowing and deciding on those basic terms - start planning. It will make the whole search process a lot easier, and will immediately eliminate irrelevant vendors (especially for the couples who have a unique view and expectations, which is not so easy to come across).

Why Liron Erel: For us it was immediate. As soon as we saw his blog we could suddenly breathe - "Phew, we found the perfect photographer, now lets just hope he is available!" It's so hard to find wedding pictures that you can communicate with, that you find inspiring and mind blowing, even if you have nothing to do with the couple in the picture! (I personally know a few people that look at Liron's wedding photos as if it was a display at an art gallery). Liron is the master of storytelling through pictures;  he can improvise a stunning location no matter where he is, he captures perfect moments when nobody else can see them and he has perfect editing skills, bringing perfect colors, film feel and uniqueness to every picture. But most importantly, Liron will take your wedding pictures with endless love, fun and joy, as if he was part of the family.

Bryllupsfotograf: Liron Erel // Brudekjole: Lilium // Location: Shonit // Blomster & Design: Johanna Elizabeth Events

05 May 2014

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