Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Mmmmm....denne forlovelsesshooten er perfekt for NWB, og kom og varmet våre hjerter i grevens tid, da sommeren forsvant like fort som den kom. Snøen har igjen dalt ned, og da passet denne shooten helt inn i stemningen utenfor vinduene våre. Vi elsker stilen til Christine & Drew; fargene, location, klesstil; alt er akkurat slik vi liker det. Den forloveles shooten viser også at man lett kan få en god del variasjon i bildene, selv med samme antrekk, bare man skifter litt bakgrunner. Chistine er en vintage elsker, noe som også skinner gjennom på stilen hennes, og dem som par. Så til alle som står foran en forlovelsesshoot; la dere inspirere! Shaunae Teske Photography er den dyktige fotografen bak disse magiske bildene. Jeg kryper under pleddet med en kopp te og nyter bildeserien en gang til, og en gang til...

FOTOGRAFEN FORTELLER: "I met with Christine over coffee to talk about what kind of unique shoot her and Drew were looking for. I loved our chat, Christine brought photos of them together throughout the years, including a photo of them in kindergarten! How neat is it that they have been in each others’ lives for so long!

We met at Boxcar Billy’s, a restaurant put together by four colorful train boxcars! It was perfect for this unique couple. Christine and Drew showed up looking amazing! Christine always has the most wonderful outfits. She lives for thrifting and is always finding the best vintage pieces. You can check out her business and even purchase some of her pieces! All you have to do is head over to Instagram and find her business, @antlersvintage.

Going along with her eclectic taste, Christine also has a love of deer skulls. Knowing how much she loved them, Drew got her one as a gift and we incorporated it into our shoot! The colors are so beautiful. I don’t think I have enough words to describe our shoot. Quirky, fun, colorful, exciting, amazing, artistic! We had so much fun and I loved spending my time with this great couple. "

FOTOGRAF: Shaunae Teske Photography // Location: Box Car Billy's

06 May 2014

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