Wednesday, May 14, 2014


Vi presenterer med dette et nydelig sommerbryllup fra en av de vakreste byene i vårt naboland Sverige; nemlig Stockholm. Brudeparet kommer fra Tyrkia, men ønsket seg et intimt bryllup, med en lun og koselig atmosfære, noe som visstnok er vanskelig å få til i svært store bryllup, som er tradisjonen i Tyrkia. De søkte dermed etter steder for et destinasjonsbryllup, og valget ble Stockholm, da de ikke ønsket de vanlige kjente byene for bryllup, som Paris og Roma. Dette paret ønsket å oppdage en ny by sammen med sine bryllupsgjester, og at det var et ukjent sted for alle. Stockholm med sine vakre kanaler, stjal hjertene deres og bildene forteller oss helt klart hvorfor. Dyktige Izla Photography har fanget Ece og Semih sin store dag med varme og kjærlighet, og vi forstår godt at bruden overhodet ikke kunne tenke seg å endre på noenting i ettertid. Her er vakker tyrkisk kjærlighet i en like vakker by; Stockholm. Hvem sa at destinasjonsbryllup bare er sørover i kontinentet?

BRUDEN FORTELLER: We always wanted to have a cozy wedding which is hard to have in Turkey, where weddings are traditionally very crowded, going up to 400-500 people. So we started looking at "destination wedding" options. We didn't want to go with"clichés" such as Paris or Rome. We rather preferred somewhere where neither us, nor our close friends have been before, somewhere we could all discover together for the first time! We always loved Scandinavian cities, and Stockholm matched all our criteria! It's beautiful, easy to go around, very modern, has lots of water (canals and so on), nature and green areas, lots of great food and of course a Turkish Embassy with a nice garden for
our official ceremony.

We only traveled to Stockholm once in May for 3 days to make all the planning and meet our lovely photographer Izla, whom I found online. We fell in love with our wedding venue, Stallmastaregarden the minute we saw the place! And after all, it was the perfect decision. The food, service, hotel rooms and staff, cake were all perfect at our wedding day! And Izla's photos turned out perfect thanks to the sunny weather in August and the lovely background of Stallmastaregarden! She could not stop photographing in the gorgeous sunlight.

After the preparations we left Stallmastaregarden around 3pm with a classic white Chevrolet cabriolet and went to the embassy where our official ceremony took place. Then the boat picked us up and our guests (we had around 50 guests of close friends and family) and took us back to Stallmastaregarden. We had a wonderful and fun trip on the boat, having champagne and enjoying the view. We arrived at Stallmastaregarden around 6pm and enjoyed the rest of the night there, with delicious food and cozy atmosphere. Everything was perfect and I would not change a thing about my wedding day!

LEVERANDØRER: Bryllupsfotograf: Izla Photography // Selskapslokaler: Stallmästaregården // Seremoni: Turkish Embassy // Brudekjole: Vakko // Brudens sko: Christian Louboutin // Brudgommens antrekk: Vakko // Make-up: Therese hos Salong Vita // Hår: Shareen hos Salong Vita // Transport: Specialbilsuthyrning // Båt: Royal Sightseeing // Sjokoladeesker gjester: Chokladfabriken // Kake: Stallmästaregården // Blomster: Melanders Blommor 

14 May 2014

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