Saturday, May 31, 2014

Darice and Quincy are the sweetest couple! We made all the arrangements for their wedding on May 24, 2014 in my wedding garden by email so I met them in person for the first time on their wedding day. Of course we included Darice's son, Josh, in the wedding and he was one happy teenage boy!
Josh escorts his beautiful mother from the family room across the deck into the wedding garden where Quincy and I and all their guests eagerly awaited her.
Their photographer, Kate Pope of Craven Creative Photography, is no stranger to my garden. I think she may have done about 5 weddings here now. She is so good to work with and her work is fabulous.
 A couple of latecomers appeared at the gate and I invited them in. 
 Darice and Quincy were so happy to be getting married. Their eyes were filled with love. 
 They made their promises of marriage then it was time for the rings. 
 "With this ring, I marry you and pledge my heart to you." 
Then the family unity sand ceremony.....Josh waits patiently while his mom and Quincy pour in part of their sand. Then he poured his sand in with theirs symbolizing the family unity.
 I was so thrilled to have the privilege of pronouncing Quincy and Darice husband and wife! 
 Such a sweet kiss! I think it was the second or third try though!
 The young lady who stood up for Darice is her niece, Mahogany. 
 During the ceremony we did a blessing for Josh. Quincy said some powerful words to him about how much he loved him and how happy he is to embrace him as his son. Then they gave him a token of their love as a memento of this sweet occasion. it is a necklace with his name, the date and a cross.
 I could tell that Josh was thrilled to have Quincy for his father!
The whole gang! 
Darice and Quincy, you are a fabulous couple. I am so happy that you found each other and are now officially a family of three. I wish you much happiness, contentment, and satisfaction in your lives.
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31 May 2014

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