Tuesday, May 27, 2014


THE NORWEGIAN WEDDING BLOG ønsker med dette  hjertelig velkommen til REDIJUS PHOTOGRAPHY som utvalgt medlem i THE NOTEBOOK, i kategorien kreative & talentfulle BRYLLUPSFOTOGRAFER. Her er et lite utdrag om REDIJUS PHOTOGRAPHY og bryllupsfotografering:

Inspired by LOVE.

Whatever I capture during Your wedding day, I always feel being inspired by LOVE. Your amazing story teller. Each wedding has cornerstone rules which help to create this incredible day. You know what will happen, what will follow after, what people plan to do. But at the same time each couple brings their ideas, their incredible touch that all together make this day of Love unique, exclusive. I love capturing their day, their wonderful moments. You will not see me running around people and telling them what to do, how to stand in front of camera. My goal is to be invisible and to catch unforgettable moments when excited bride fall into the arms of her lovely man, when her eyes are full purity, infinite joy; when a beautiful, elegant girl gracefully lowers her eyes; when the two lovers eyes meet together to confirm loudly pronounced Yes, I DO. Therefore, my purpose is to create Your wedding story, wonderful mosaic from the natural moments which I capture.

You – Crazy Lovers.

My aim is to leave You the intimate story of Love that flourishes between two of You – wonderful Newlyweds. For me wedding photography is all about feelings, memorable moments and Love. The World is so small that I as Your wedding photographer can come to any place of Your dream.

Ønsker du å vite mer om REDIJUS PHOTOGRAPHY - klikker du bare HER.

Ønsker du å lese mer om THE NOTEBOOK - en guide til de aller kuleste bryllupsleverandørene, klikk her. Vil du bli medlem hos The Norwegian Wedding Blog og/eller The Notebook. Vennligst ta kontakt med oss her - vi hjelper deg gjerne! Har du spørsmål rundt medlemsskap & honorar - Les vår FAQ.

27 May 2014

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