Sunday, January 19, 2014

Back in 2003, I officiated the wedding for Debbie and Randy at The Matthews House. Gosh, it has been over 10 years ago! Here we are on the front porch posing for photos after their ceremony.
Out of the blue I got an email from Debbie this past week hoping that I was available sometime on Saturday January 18th to officiate the wedding of her son, Kevin, and his fiancee, Carolina (pronounced "Caroleena"). The couple had planned to go down to the courthouse and get married but Debbie and Randy wanted to do something a bit nicer for them with more guests at their home in Raleigh. I was tickled to do it! So, we set the time and I wrote a ceremony for Kevin and Carolina that would also include Kevin's two year old daughter, Caroline, and a family unity sand ceremony in which she could participate. 
Dave and I arrived and I set up the sand ceremony while Randy and Carolina were working on getting her family on Skype so they could watch and hear the ceremony.
Isn't this the sweetest little wedding cake? 
As you can see, the laptop was on the chair and we positioned ourselves so that they could see us.
 Debbie brought Caroline forward for the children's blessing. 
Caroline was not still for very long and soon was on the run around the house! She was so cute. She has Down's Syndrome but is very high functioning and very active too, as her family can attest to!
 They exchanged vows and then rings. 
We had to "borrow" a ring from one of our guests because Kevin's ring had been ordered but did not arrive in time for the wedding.
 Carolina and Kevin created their two separate layers of sand first. 
 Then Debbie helped Caroline pour her pretty pink sand into the container. 
 Kevin and Carolina then added the rest of their sand on top. 
 Almost time for the kiss! 
 And there it is! 
 Hugs all around with Caroline trying to get herself into the middle of the hug. 
Here is the newlywed couple, their daughter Caroline, Randy, Debbie and me. It was so good to see them again and be part of this family tradition!
Carolina and Kevin, I am so happy that Debbie thought of me and set this up for you! It was much more personal and meaningful than a courthouse wedding would have been. I wish you all the best always and have a great time at your reception in Costa Rica!
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19 Jan 2014

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