Tuesday, January 14, 2014


THE NORWEGIAN WEDDING BLOG ønsker med dette MIKKEL PAIGE PHOTOGRAPHY hjertelig velkommen som medlem i THE NOTEBOOK, i kategorien kreative & talentfulle BRYLLUPSFOTOGRAFER. Her er et lite utdrag om Mikkel, og bryllupsfotografering:

"If you want to have fun in front of the camera and behind the scenes with gorgeous photos to show for it look no further: Mikkel is your photographer. Mikkel Paige Photography captures the emotion of your wedding through her vibrant, unique views. She doesn't simply take photos - she helps create them. She'll laugh with you and crack jokes to get those smiles going and make you feel cozy in front of a pro lens so you are comfortable stealing kisses and hugs from your new spouse as if no one is watching. She even knows how to fly under the radar (or through the crowd on the dance floor) when needed so your guests are free to be themselves while their awesome, memorable dance moves are unknowingly caught on camera - instant energized memories for you to cherish as the years ensue!  Brides and grooms are continually in awe of her enthusiasm, communication and optimism. Heck, she even loves surprising clients with gifts."

Ønsker du å vite mer om MIKKEL PAIGE - klikker du bare HER.


Ønsker du å lese mer om THE NOTEBOOK - en guide til de aller kuleste bryllupsleverandørene, klikk her. Vil du bli medlem hos The Norwegian Wedding Blog og/eller The Notebook. Vennligst ta kontakt med oss her - vi hjelper deg gjerne! Har du spørsmål rundt medlemsskap & honorar - Les vår FAQ.
14 Jan 2014

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