Friday, January 31, 2014


THE NORWEGIAN WEDDING BLOG ønsker med dette ALEXIS JUNE WEDDING hjertelig velkommen som medlem i THE NOTEBOOK, i kategorien kreative & talentfulle BRYLLUPSFOTOGRAFER. Her er et lite utdrag om Brandi, og bryllupsfotografering:

"Hello beautiful, my name is Brandi and I’m the photographer behind Alexis June Weddings. AJW is based in New York City and named after the two loves of my life, my daughters – Kierstyn {Alexis} and Kaija {June}. 

AJW combines my love of weddings with my photojournalistic style to capture those unexpected moments. From getting ready to the first look, ceremony and even the crazy dancing photos, I’ll be there to capture every detail on your wedding day.

I'm a world traveler, hopeless romantic, pink is my favorite color, I love a good laugh and meeting new people. Let's grab a cup of coffee or set up a Skype session and chat about your wedding day. I would love to hear all about the details!"

Ønsker du å vite mer om ALEXIS JUNE WEDDINGS - klikker du bare HER.


Ønsker du å lese mer om THE NOTEBOOK - en guide til de aller kuleste bryllupsleverandørene, klikk her. Vil du bli medlem hos The Norwegian Wedding Blog og/eller The Notebook. Vennligst ta kontakt med oss her - vi hjelper deg gjerne! Har du spørsmål rundt medlemsskap & honorar - Les vår FAQ.
31 Jan 2014

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