Sunday, January 5, 2014


NWB elsker 'gjør det selv' bryllup, hvor brudeparet fikser og ordner selv, og med hjelp av familie & venner. Det gjorde nemlig Shanna & Rob da de giftet seg, og vi digger både invitasjoner og dekor, alt i rustikke og storslåtte omgivelser i Cariboo vest i Canada. Naturen i Canada minner oss mye om naturen i Norge. Og til å fange alt det vakre på sin bryllupsdag, valgte de Nordica Photography, et perfekt valg. Nordica holder til i Sverige, og dokumenterer kjærlighetshistorier i Norge, og hele verden. Bryllupet til Shanna & Rob er nært, rustikt, naturlig i et eventyraktig sceneri, som viser ekte kjærlighet og rørende følelser. Ingenting er viktigere enn å gjøre bryllupsdagen din personlig & unik, og feire den akkurat slik du og dere ønsker. Hvem sa at man ikke kan gifte seg på en mandag?!

BRUDEPARET FORTELLER: “During the wedding planning phase we both agreed on one thing, that we wanted it to be intimate and relaxed, Shanna's parent's lake house in the Cariboo providing the perfectly secluded location we were looking for. The peaceful B.C. interior allowed everyone to focus on the wedding without distractions, while also giving us the rural character and lower price point we desired! Our guests started arriving several days prior, Rob is from the UK and travels for work so they were coming from all over the World to our Monday wedding - a day chosen to fit with everyone's availability and work schedules (including the grooms!).

The ceremony was held in the afternoon by the lake in front of the house, we ended up timing it perfectly around a brief rain storm that soaked us as we laid out the chairs, it was at this point that we were thankful for having chosen an indoor reception at the nearby community lodge. Without any rehearsals, we launched straight into the ceremony to the sound of The Bridal Chorus. Shanna looked positively stunning as her father led her down the steps from the house and down the makeshift aisle that we lined with local wild flowers. Tears flowed as we exchanged rings and vowed to spend the rest of our lives caring for one another, it was a beautiful moment and before we knew it we were husband and wife!

Afterwards, we joined the guests for cocktails and appetizers on the patio, a great time to catch up and reflect on the day/weekend so far. Documenting such a wonderful day our lives was really important for both Rob and I, so we were eager to head out for the portrait photos with the talented Cole of Nordica Photography. The casual elegance in his work was exactly what we were looking for. To top it off his local knowledge of the area led us to some fantastic locations nearby. We strolled through long grass in dried out marshes and tiptoed our way through lush woodlands to capture the true essence of our wedding day in an array of spectacular shots.

The last thing on the agenda was to unwind at the reception, have a few drinks and enjoy some family time over a wonderful home cooked meal. The tables were laid out with antique family silverware, handwritten place cards and a beautiful collection of antique dishes and vases collected by Shanna herself in the months prior. On the menu there was grilled chicken breast and a wide selection of cooked colourful vegetables which were enjoyed by all. We made sure to save space for the Carrot cake wedding Shanna homemade, and the accompanying dessert table made up of fresh fruit, pastries and European chocolates and candies.

By the end of the night we felt like we'd pulled off the wedding we'd always dreamed of while staying within our budget.”

LEVERANDØRER: Bryllupsfotograf: Nordica Photography // Brudekjole: Lace Marry // Sko: Irregular Choice // Brudgommens antrekk: Le Chateau // Reception location: Watch Lake Community Hall, 70 Mile house BC // Overnatting gjester: Forskjellige lokale overnattingssteder og utleie // Invitasjoner, detaljer & dekor: DIY

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05 Jan 2014

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