Monday, October 18, 2010

Carolyn and Carlos came to check out my wedding garden in September for their wedding on October 15, 2010. They plan to have a large formal church wedding next year but wanted to legally marry before then with close family members. So, on Friday the 15th I dashed home from a rehearsal at Angus Barn to marry them. They had brought a banner and some decorations to put on the arbor. Then we were ready to begin the ceremony. 
It was a quick ceremony but oh so sweet and they were so happy.  Carolyn and Carlos wanted to include a ritual called "Mother's Kiss" in the ceremony and I was quite happy to learn about this custom. The words were these: "Carolyn and Carlos would now like to share their final kiss as single beings with their mothers.  Frances and Carmen will you please step forward.  You women gave Carolyn and Carlos their first kisses when they entered the world and they see only fit that you give them their final kiss before becoming one with each other."  All of their parents were able to be present and their mothers signed their license as witnesses. Carlos' two sisters were with us as well. 
Carolyn and Carlos, I wish you all the best forever! 

The next wedding was on Saturday October 16, 2010 for Rita and Earl. Earl came to see me on October 1st to check out my garden. That's when I found out all about his and Rita's story. Earl was retired from the military after 20 years and had landed a fabulous job using the special skills he learned in the service. It was time to get married and settle down. He signed up on e-Harmony and found Rita. Rita is from Hungary and lived in England. She is quite an independent career woman. Both waited a long time to find mates and tie the knot. So, when they were matched up last February, they knew they were perfect for each other.  Earl made all the plans for the wedding because Rita did not fly to the US until a few days before the wedding. Earl even got her wedding dress and flowers and did a great job of finding exactly what she would have chosen. 
Earl and I waited for Rita to make her grand entrance as his sister, Consie, went to tell her to begin walking in through the garden gate as his niece, Shalalah, and his friend, Nick, looked on as our guests.
Here comes the bride!
I turned around to get the rings.Then they exchanged vows and rings and were pronounced married!
What a happy couple! Consie announced that she had made reservations for them at The Savoy, less than a mile up Lead Mine Road from my house. A great place to celebrate their wedding! Earl and Rita, congratulations and I wish you a lifetime of happiness!
18 Oct 2010

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