Tuesday, October 19, 2010


On October 16, 2009, I performed a small intimate wedding ceremony for Doug and Lorena surrounded by their closest friends and family. You can see the post on that wedding here. Lorena's parents came up from Peru for the occasion and Doug's parents were there too. But, Lorena knew she wanted to  have a big formal wedding ceremony one day where she wore a big white bridal gown and her father walked her in and planned to have it exactly one year later on October 16, 2010. And so she booked me for the date and started planning the big one. She chose Rosedown Plantation in Smithfield for the event and it was really grand! Rosedown Plantation is an old estate acquired and renovated about 2 years ago by Lisa and Don Frantz and has become a spectacular site for weddings. It is directly on Highway 210 and the first turn off the road is into the pasture area where there is plenty of parking! A tent was set up for the reception complete with tables and chairs and a dance floor.
The wedding cake was by Ambrosia Cake Creations and included the groom's cake with the race car on top. Doug is very fond of racing and in fact was a race car driver until he had an unfortunate accident a few years that left his right arm limited. The caterer, The Serving Spoon, from Pine Level was there setting up as well. You can see the huge parking lot in the background.
 A short walk on through the trees revealed the lovely manor house of Greek Revival style like plantation homes in the 1800s.
A long walk with many sets of graduated steps led us to the back of the 13 acre property overlooking a lake with a gazebo set up for the ceremony. To the left of this photos is a small house set up for the groom and groomsmen to hang out in. When Marty and I arrived, the groomsmen were being led in a group dance, practicing for the reception. It sure looked fun!
 Troy Wilson of DJ Professionals and Video was all set up in an area disguised by shrubs. Troy did a wedding a few weeks ago with me at Duke Gardens. It was good to see him again. At this point before the wedding began he had on a jacket as it was a bit chilly with the wind blowing off the water.
The wedding start time was running quite late and here Doug, his best man, and I are waiting at our start point to begin walking into the ceremony. It is quite a hike! That is the groom's cabin to the left in the photo above.
 After I entered, Doug met his mother, Mary Jane, at the steps coming down from the house and escorted her in and took his place next to me at the gazebo.
 Then our best man escorted in Alicia, Lorena's mother, to take their places at the gazebo.
 In Peru, they do not have bridesmaids but apparently they do have flower girls! These two pretty little girls were very excited and at first took a wrong turn on the grass and went the wrong way. They eventually found their way to their mothers, though!
 Lorena and her father, Ernesto, make their grand entrance. This is the moment Lorena had waited a whole year to experience!
This ceremony was much more religious in tone and content than the first one. Lorena is Catholic and wanted this ceremony to reflect that for her friends and many relatives who came from Peru and all over to this wonderful wedding celebration. She had three readings from the Bible and she and Doug recited different vows this time to renew their commitment to each other. Same rings, though!We closed with the Lord's Prayer in unison.
And so it is done! They are happily married and Lorena got her big day! Congratulations, again, you two!
19 Oct 2010

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