Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Kimberly and Timothy waited a long time to find that special someone and when they did, they were inseparable. In fact, their wedding day was exactly 4 years after they met, to the day.
Timothy wanted a traditional wedding ceremony but Kimberly not so much. So together we created a ceremony  that combined both styles. Kimberly was escorted in by her father where Timothy was waiting for her. Then the couple stepped together up the steps to join me on the altar symbolizing taking their relationship to greater heights together.
After welcoming everyone, we began with a prayer followed by asking all their guests to give their blessing and support to their marriage.
A tribute and thank you to their parents followed by a reading of First Corinthians by our Maid of Honor, Pam.
Then on a lighter note, Dean, our best man, presented a poem by Anonymous titled: "He Never Leaves the Toilet Seat Up."
I told the story of how Kimberly and Timothy met, fell in love and what they look forward to in marriage, then the vows and ring exchange. They represent another successful love story thanks to e-Harmony!
 The declaration of marriage was made and then the guests read in unison The Irish Blessing for the couple which was printed in their very beautiful programs made by Kimberly.
 Of course, the kiss was next with much jubilation!
Here they are, the newlywed couple!
Down the aisle to the beginning of their new life together as a married couple.
Tim is especially happy that the ceremony is over! He was a bit nervous but Kimberly was cool as a cucumber! They balance each other. All went very smoothly and, Kim and Tim, I trust your marriage will go as smoothly! I wish you all the best!

Our Vendors: 
All Saint's Chapel: A great place to get married if you want a church setting. I love doing weddings here. Sarah Morris, the events coordinator for the chapel, was on hand to make sure everything was running smoothly.
Priscilla Erwin with Orangerie Events was our wedding director. Thanks, Priscilla.
Kelly Martin was our photographer. Kelly and I have worked together many times. Thanks Kelly!
John McHugh filled the chapel with the lilting Celtic music of the Uilleann Pipes and tin whistles. He is great! You get the same effect as a bagpipe without the screaming volume suitable only for outdoors!
27 Oct 2010

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