Wednesday, October 27, 2010

After the wedding at All Saint's Chapel at 11:30AM on October 23, 2010, Marty and I traveled back to my home for Stephanie and Josh's wedding in my wedding garden.
I had never seen a runner like this. It was made out of vinyl and so it stayed in place although we did not walk on it. It was too pretty to walk on! It was made by VistaPrint. I did not know they made these. They also had made some lovely programs for their guests.
Josh and Stephanie were so excited to get married and invited their families and closest friends. They were honored to have their mothers and Stephanie's father with them. In the ceremony we remembered Josh's father who has passed on from this earth . Stephanie's sister, Andrea, was the Matron of Honor and Supreme, a friend of the couple, served as best man. Sedrick Miles was their photographer.
Stephanie and Josh are expecting their first child, Xavier Elias, in March and asked if we could have a baby blessing within the wedding ceremony. This is something I have done many times before and is so touching! They also included a family unity sand ceremony in which we poured sand for the baby.

Josh is a natural for a model. He is so good looking and knew just how to pose in all the photos. Stephanie is so pretty and stylish in her beautiful dress and cute veil which is so popular these days. Stephanie and Josh, congratulations and go forth in love, peace and joy!
27 Oct 2010

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