En superstylish stylet shoot fra et fantastisk kreativt og dyktig team i England på det kule museumet Brooklands Museum, med fly, da spesielt Concorde som bakteppe, og hvor du faktisk kan gifte deg. Tanken er en nygift brud, som skal til et fantatisk reisemål, og reiser 'all fab in style', og vi synes det høres perfekt ut, og pakker snarest. Bak denne shooten står blant annet den internasjonale hår & makeup stylisten Gemma Sutton, stylist The Bijou Bride, med vakre kjoler fra Luella’s Boudoir, blomster fra Vintage Floral Design Co., og nydelige bryllupskaker fra Elizabeth Solaru. De kule bryllupsinvitasjonene og trykksakene er fra Elle is For Love. Og mannen som har fanget det hele med den helt riktige sofistikerte og vintage touchen er dyktige David hos Modern Vintage Weddings.
FOTOGRAFEN FORTELLER: International hair and make up artist Gemma Sutton invited me to photograph this photoshoot at Brooklands Museum, and when we went to visit, we were blown away by the creative possibilities of such a location. Gemma Sutton’s work is sublime and the idea we came up with together was to photograph a story that was modern, but had vintage luxury elements we hoped might inspire brides to be who were considering a travel theme for their wedding. Brookland’s Museum has a stationery Concorde, and you can get married on board! I am big fan of aeroplanes, and travel a lot shooting destination weddings, but never had the chance to fly in one so this was of course the next best thing. Our bride for the day, Sophie, was travelling somewhere fabulous to her honeymoon, in style. That was the idea, and The Bijou Bride, perfectly styled the look with golds and deep reds, to give a luxurious feel to the setting. I would love to photograph a wedding in Norway, somewhere I have longed to visit.
KREDIT TEAM: Fotograf: David of Modern Vintage Weddings // Location: Brooklands Museum // Stylist: The Bijou Bride // Blomster: Vintage Floral Design Co. // Brudens antrekk: Luella’s Boudoir // Headpieces: Donna Crain // Hår & Makeup: Gemma Sutton // Cupcakes - Bryllupskaker: Elizabeth Solaru // Trykksaker: Elle is For Love // Model: Sophie Green