Monday, March 3, 2014


Nataly og Nikita reiste hele veien fra Sibiria til Roma, for å lage en Love shoot. De er ikke forlovet, og skal ikke gifte seg ennå, men de ønsket noen kjærlighetsbilder, og hvor er vel da bedre enn selveste kjærlighetsbyen Roma. Vi kunne ikke vært mer enig, og mens vi nyter bildene av In Love in Italy, drømmer vi om en deilig espresso, på en fortauskafé i romas gater, mens vi skuer på menneskene og tar inn duften av liv og kjærlighet.

FRA FOTOGRAFEN: I love it when a man contacts me to arrange a love story photo-session, I find it utterly romantic! So when Nikita wrote me an email to plan (up to the very last detail!) their shooting in the most beautiful spots in Rome I was beyond excited. Nikita and Nataly travelled a long way from Siberia to Rome. They wanted the pictures like Rome belonged entirely to them as a couple and we achieved that scheduling the session really early in the morning. We were almost alone in the Eternal City, a beautiful sensation. We touched some of the most distinctive landmarks, like Trevi Fountain, Spanish Steps and Colosseum, and enjoyed a coffee at Splendor Parthenopes, to unwind and relax, and strolled down the banks of river Tevere, to find a privileged perspective of Castle Sant'Angelo. It was a pure joy to photograph this couple, this was not an engagement session, as they're not planning their wedding yet, and I loved the idea to celebrate love just because, with no particular reason.

FOTOGRAF: In Love in Italy
03 Mar 2014

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