Monday, March 10, 2014


THE NORWEGIAN WEDDING BLOG ønsker med dette SARA NORREHED PHOTOGRAPHY hjertelig velkommen som medlem i THE NOTEBOOK, i kategorien kreative & talentfulle BRYLLUPSFOTOGRAFER. Her er et lite utdrag om SARA NORREHED, og bryllupsfotografering:

"With my photography I strive to create natural and relaxed photographs documenting the wedding day. I love to incorporate landscapes and nature to my imagery and my style tend to be light and poetic. I want my images to feel timeless and last for a life time. On the personal side I grew up on an Island in the Baltic Sea.

I am a typical islander – lover of wind and rain and with the need for open landscapes. I get teary-eyed at almost every wedding, even though I try not to. It’s really hard to focus the camera with tears in your eyes. I shoot weddings based out of Sweden but don’t mind to travel to wherever the next wedding takes me."

Ønsker du å vite mer om SARA NORREHED - klikker du bare HER.

Ønsker du å lese mer om THE NOTEBOOK - en guide til de aller kuleste bryllupsleverandørene, klikk her. Vil du bli medlem hos The Norwegian Wedding Blog og/eller The Notebook. Vennligst ta kontakt med oss her - vi hjelper deg gjerne! Har du spørsmål rundt medlemsskap & honorar - Les vår FAQ.

10 Mar 2014

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