Saturday, August 23, 2014

Nicolle and Sean are true Disney fans. Their favorite Disney movie is Up. There were words like "Once upon a time" and "Happily ever after" incorporated into their ceremony.
Their wedding program was one of the cleverest depictions I have ever seen for a wedding program. The house and balloons represent the movie Up and the mouse ears, their love of all things Disney. Notice too that the bride is standing on  steps to raise her up to the groom's level.
Their wedding was Thursday August 14th, 2014 at the Second Empire downtown Raleigh. It is a wonderful place for small intimate weddings. Above is the East Parlor which has been all decked out by Kelley Kennedy of Teacup Floral with petals in the aisle and bows on the chairs. I am seeing their delightful wedding program for the first time in this photo and noticing that the bride was standing on steps! Neil MacAulay of Our Family Photo, relative of the groom's family, was our professional photographer. He is from Charlotte. 
Downstairs the preparations for the reception are complete! Unfortunately the wedding cake had not been brought out of refrigeration so we don't have a photo. Another unfortunate turn of events was that the violinist who was supposed to play for the ceremony did not show up. Marilyn, event manager for Second Empire, upon learning that, immediately sprang into action, procured a boom box and downloaded the Disney tunes for the ceremony and we had music! Good going, Marilyn!!
When it was time to begin, Christine, friend of Sean's mother who had been tapped to direct the wedding, signaled for me and the groom and his attendants to enter. Sean's father, Mike, was his best man, two friends, and Sean's sister, Shannon, also stood up with him.
The 3 bridesmaids entered, then Nicolle's sister Michelle who was Maid of Honor.  Nicolle's father, Mark, escorted in our "Princess" bride. She did look like a princess from a Disney movie, too!
And so, let us begin...."Once upon a time, almost 6 years ago, out of all the people in the world, Nicolle and Sean were blessed with the good fortune of finding one another......"
To honor Sean's heritage, they included the hand-fasting ceremony where their left hands are bound by a cord representing love. They then joined right hands forming the symbol of infinity.
They exchanged their vows while their hands were bound in love. (Are you noticing the height discrepancy? Nicolle and I felt a bit like midgets standing with her tall Prince Charming!)
 The exchange of rings......
I asked them to look around at all their loved ones and feel the love of those who had come to honor them on their wedding day before I made the pronouncement of marriage.
And then I reached behind me and swung around the stool for Nicolle to stand on for the pronouncement and the kiss! (When I told her at the rehearsal that two of my former brides with very tall bridegrooms had stood on a stool for the kiss, she jumped at the chance! And so I brought my stool!  Should have brought one for myself!)
 I had quite a reach for their hands to make the pronouncement!
 How perfect!!
 The Princess and her Prince Charming! 
 Happiness abounds when you wish upon a star!
Sean, you are truly a gentle giant and I am so happy that you and your princess Nicolle found each other! I wish you always the best. May you live happily ever after and may all your dreams come true!
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23 Aug 2014

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