Friday, August 22, 2014


THE NORWEGIAN WEDDING BLOG ønsker med dette CASSANDRA K. SKJÆRET FOTO hjertelig velkommen som medlem i THE NOTEBOOK, i kategorien kreative & talentfulle BRYLLUPSFOTOGRAFER. Her er et lite utdrag om CASSANDRA K. SKJÆRET FOTO, og bryllupsfotografering:

Photography is the art of capturing light. We believe in capturing the light, life and personality in you and your love and photographing it. There is always a surprising amount of beauty in people, and we love to find an expression, or essence  that maybe even you have never seen in yourself before or a real smile that is rarely seen. We love to document moments and capture a smile or a kiss that will tell the story of a lifetime.

We specialize in taking pictures outside in natural lighting and feel free to be creative, making images no one has ever captured before. This means being flexible, possibly braving the cold Norwegian winds in January just to get that stunning image. We want to be outside, in your apartment, on your veranda, in your grandfathers barn or in the forest you grew up playing in. It is so important to have good quality images that capture who you are. We want to make you see how beautiful you are and show it off to the world! 

We are based out of Bergen, Norway and would love to travel to wherever you are getting married. So shoot us a message, we’d love to hear from you and take your wedding & engagement pictures.

Ønsker du å vite mer om CASSANDRA K. SKJÆRET FOTO  - klikker du bare HER.


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22 Aug 2014

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