Tuesday, November 19, 2013

It had been at least 15 years since we had seen each other when Carol contacted me about officiating hers and Michael's wedding.  I was simply thrilled beyond words that she had contacted me and that I could be part of joining her and Michael in marriage.  The wedding date was set for November 12, 2013 at 2:15 PM so that all the numbers would line up in sequence! We co-created a simple yet warm and lovely ceremony for them. 
It was so good to see Carol and get caught up in our lives. Of course we had both aged a few years but everything else was all the same and we picked up right where we had left off. The wedding day was that day where snow was forecast and became colder and windier as time went by and so they decided that this lovely sun porch would be the perfect location for the ceremony.
Jessica, a mere youngster when I knew her all those years ago was now all grown up now, married and holding her baby son, Lucas, who was our honorary ring bearer!
Lucas and his daddy, Kyle! 
Jessica also made this wonderful carrot cake. She said that the recipe came from the Pioneer Woman  and since Marty and I stayed around after the wedding for a slice and a sip of champagne, I can sure attest to it being probably the most delicious carrot cake I have ever tasted.
Michael had synchronized the clock so we could be in place by 14:15 hours, and I could begin the ceremony 16 seconds later.
 Carol is walking toward us. 
 And so we begin.....
 Call for the rings......
 I love making that pronouncement! 
 Carol and Michael have a sweet love story and it was my honor to join them in marriage!
 Congratulations, Carol and Michael! 
I had to include this. Michael's father was an accomplished stained glass artist, a skill he perfected after he retired and spent most of his years in retirement crafting beautiful works of art. This is the spectacular carousel he made that graces Carol and Michael's home.
Carol and Michael, it warms my heart to see you and feel your love and joy! I know you are loving being together and that all the circumstances of your lives brought you together!
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19 Nov 2013

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