Saturday, November 16, 2013

I vår serie THE INTERVIEW, intervjuer vi bryllupsfotografer vi beundrer på mange grunnlag. Dette for å få vite mer om merkevaren deres, hvem som er 'bak kamera', og hva de tenker om seg selv og sin profesjon. Vi håper at våre intervjuer er til inspirasjon, både for kommende bruder, og andre fotograf kolleger. For oss er det viktig at de har en tydelig merkevare, en unik kvalitet og integritet. Som en ekstra bonus digger NWB fotografer med kul attitude, og tydelig fremstår som ekte vare. Vi ønsker å inspirere også de utenfor fotografsfæren med personlige spørsmål, som kan gi oss et glimt av menneskene bak alt det vakre visuelle. Hvem er de som fanger de store øyeblikkene i livene våre på så sjelsettende vis. Hva liker de, hva drømmer de om, og hva driver de? Denne gangen er det dyktige AMANDA THOMSEN PHOTO, som vi var så heldig å få stjele litt tid av. NWB falt helt pladask for Amanda sine bilder første gang vi så dem, og traff rett i hjertet. Hun blander perfekt det stylishe med hjerte, det ekte & råe portretterer hun med raffinement og eleganse. Vi 'tror' alltid på det Amanda tar bilder av og viser oss, og bildene er som hentet ut fra reportasjer i de kuleste magasinene som W, Harpers Bazaar, Rolling Stone, Vanity Fair osv. Hun gir oss sjel med stil.

In our series THE INTERVIEW, we interview wedding photographers we admire in different ways. We want to know about their brand, how they work, who's behind that lens, and what are they thoughts about their work and life. NWB hope that our interviews are an inspiration for brides to be, as well as fellow photographers in the industry. It is important for us that the selective photographers have recognizable brand, a unique quality, and integrity. We also like the extra flavor, such as a cool attitude, a backbone, and a funnybone. And by getting to know the people behind all that visual beauty, we also want to inspire everyone who is intrigued by getting to know people, life and love. Who are they? The ones that capture our lives important moments in such profound ways; what are their dreams, and what drives & thrives them? NWB try to give you the answers. This time it's the really talented AMANDA THOMSEN PHOTO. We fell in love with her work by the first glance at her work, she hit our heart - hard. She mixes up the stylish with pure heart, the real & raw with such sophistication and elegance. We always 'believe in' what Amanda's photographs, and her images are like the ones we see in magazines like W magazine, Rolling Stone, Harpers Bazaar, Vanity Fair and so on. She gives us soul with a stylish twist.

1. When and how did you 'fall into' the photography business?
Ever since I remember I loved looking at images; the old albums from my parents, magazines, photography books and movies. I was never a big reader and not particularly good in school.  I was definitely better to the creative subjects than the more literal ones. After high school I had no idea in which direction to go and what I wanted to be. Photography has always interested me, but I never dreamt that I could live from it. I decided to take a photography course, which led me to take a BA in Adv. & Editorial photography in England, and there I found my passion in life and have never looked back since.

2. Photographing is a very personal matter, and are often unique because of the photographer, and how he or she sees it - what do believe wedding photography should be about?
Wedding photography has become a huge business industry, but I believe that being a photographer no matter for what it is, it is your duty to document with love, passion and respect everyone and everything you see, from the moment you come till the moment you leave.

3. Have the process of creating your own unique style, been a lot of compromise, or have you always held on to your beliefs in your art?
I have always liked to push myself a bit further than the normal, but it is not until some years ago that I dared to really just follow my guts. I still do some compromises because it is my job to make my customers happy, but I am lucky that my customers trust me and hires me for the style I have and the way I work. If they ask me to do something different from what I am and can, I let them know that they should maybe find another photographer that has the style they are looking for.

4. When did you decide to do weddings - and was there ever a question not to shoot weddings?
When I finished my photography BA, there was no way I would shoot weddings, it was the most stressful and back then also the worst I could imagine. I probably started like many photographers do, by shooting my friends weddings and then it just went from there. The more I did the more I liked it and now I see it very different, now it's something I have specialized in and with lots of years of experience I don’t see it as scary or stressful, now I see it as a great opportunity to meet and photograph new people in new ways.

5. What do you love about weddings?
I love when weddings are unique, when rules are broken to follow the couples own wishes of what a wedding should be like and then I love all the things in between the big moments of a wedding day. But mostly if I click with people I love photographing them no matter if it is at their wedding or a normal day of the week.

6. How would you describe your style in five words?
I often get people saying, this is such an Amanda picture and people hire me now because of my style.  I think you could say it is colorful and creative, but still honest, and then I like it to be fun and stylish.

7. What is your favorite moment during a wedding?
Could be at any time, any moment of the day.  I easily get really exited and I can get it many times during a wedding. It can be due to a cool location, a beautiful dress, a super fun make-up artist, a dog, a sweet mother, the right light, the way the couple look at each other. Anything from the moment I arrive to I leave, could turn me on. I can get really high sometimes for very small things, and then I am like a kid in a candy shop, and can't stop shooting.

8. Which moment do you think is the most important to capture during a wedding day?
I think all the moments of a wedding day are important, from the morning to the late evening .. Especially all the moments that are not being captured by the guests .. so all the moments in between the “big” moments.

9. Do you ever get emotional shooting a wedding?
Oh yes! very. I see my customers as friends, even if I hardly know them.  Being a wedding photographer you are part of a very private and intimate day, and lots of emotions are shared.

10. What is your strength being you and with your background - the way you see it?
I care a lot about people. What and how people are feeling and will feel when they see the wedding pictures again. I have had a million of different jobs in the caring sector and I have travelled a lot, so I feel comfortable around all kind of people, and so it is easy to put myself in their situation. Also I hate being photographed, so I know how hard it can be to be in front of the camera, all in all I think I am good at making people relax.

11. What makes your heart skip a beat - both professionally and private?
All the things I have already mentioned and 100 of other things! People I love. Being surrounded with passionate people, music, traveling, great images, the sun (I love the sun), creative project with talented and enthusiastic people, and doing things that I don't really dare during but when doing it I love it! (surfing, skiing, diving, river rafting ..).

12. What is your ambition and your goals for Amanda Thomsen Photo?
I have already reached some goals that I didn't even think could be possible, and I am really happy where I stand now.  My ambition and goals is to keep getting all kind of interesting assignments and keep loving it as much as I do now.

13. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
A still happy and passionate photographer living with my kids, husband and cats somewhere warm.

14. Will you ever host a workshop?
I have been part of a workshop this year in Spain with two Spanish colleagues, and yes, I will definitely do more.

15. In Scandinavia many envy the natural light and nature, from warmer and exotic sides of the world during weddings. What do you as a photographer see as beauty and 'frameworthy' in Norway, and Scandinavia, shooting weddings here? 
I have never shot a wedding in Norway, that is already a reason for me to love to shoot a wedding there. The light in Scandinavia can be beautiful in its own way, and when it is cloudy and rainy it just brings a nostalgic and romantic feel to it.

16. If you could choose a fantasy celebrity wedding - who would it be?
Mmmm can’t really think of any right now. There aren’t any celebrities in particular on my list, but sometimes I meet some really interesting people where I wish I could be the photographer capturing their wedding.

17. Who makes you laugh?
My husband Philippe and my 13 year old niece Therese.  I also really enjoy following George Takei on facebook!

18. What do you take away from the weddings you shoot?
New friends, life experience and great pictures.

19. Who is your inspiration in life - professionally and private?
My dad for always being creative and having an alternative way of thinking, my husband for always always saying yes for new experiences, no matter how crazy they are, and different people I meet on my way.

20. How important is marketing in photography?
Very, but I have never been good at it. Getting better, but could definitely do much better.

21. The website and the design tell a lot about the photographer we think. Your website and design have a clean design, why is that important to you if?
Oh my website. A never ending story. It's like that because I have done it myself and that's how I know how to do it. And yes at the contrary of my home and pictures, I like it to be simple.

22. Will you be shooting a wedding in Scandinavia and Europe?
I am based in Denmark so I have many weddings here, but I am getting more and more destination weddings and I love travelling so I am privileged that I can combine the two things.

23. Your images looks like the one we see in magazines like W Magazine, Harpers Bazaar, Rolling Stone, Vanity Fair; magazines with an edge - how important is that for you?
Oh, really? Wow, thats a nice compliment,  Thank you!! I love looking at images in the good quality magazines and photography books.  This has always been a big and expensive hobby of mine.  I guess this has influenced my style more thanI thought.

24. If you could choose any wedding photographer first hand to have in front of your camera, who would you do a portrait session of?
No one, I would be too nervous to photograph any photographer I admire.

25. What do you want your couples to take away from their wedding photos and the experience - and how do you get them at ease?
To remember their wedding day all over again and more .. I try to be very honest from the first contact I have with them. I tell them what I can do for them and sometimes also things I wont be able to do, so there are not bigger expectations than the ones they can expect. I put my couples at ease by being myself and honest from the moment I meet them.

26. Describe your style in 3 words?
Professional, creative and honest taken with a lot of passion.

27. What is the most beautiful destination you've shot a wedding?
Don’t know. I have been so many beautiful places. Maybe Spain.

28. When did you decide to do alternative weddings, or were there ever a question not to shoot your distinctive style?
I have always thought going with the stream was boring, and I like to do things my own way, but it is not until a couple of years and a lot of years of experience that I dared to start breaking the rules and following my guts. I suppose that I attract customers that have it the same way. I often have customers who would not normally hire a photographer, but hire me because they identify themselves in what I do.

29. Do you see the world as your marked, or are you focusing on specific parts 
of the world?
Yes I definitely see the world as my marked (playground) The more I travel the smaller the world becomes .. I have never felt like I belong anywhere specific and if I am with nice people it doesn’t matter where in the world I am.

30. Who is your style icon of all time?
Don’t really have any. I love to see people who dare to be themselves, are passionate and who follow their dreams no matter how difficult it is. They inspire me and I admire them.

31. Do you pay attention to other wedding photographers work?
I used to look at other wedding photographers for inspiration, but now that I found my own style I try to get inspired by other things. I will always try and attend other photographers workshops, because I can always learn more and get better and better.

32. What makes you cry?
Last time I cried (happy tears) was watching the video from The Fine Brothers "Kids React To Gay Marriage".

33. Do you ever feel like following the 'crowd' - or trends in the industry?
Yes and no. Mostly not, but it is difficult to not get inspired lightly by trends, but when it becomes so obvious that I notice I often get motivated to do something different, but then it might be because it is slowly becoming a new trend without me even knowing.

34. Would you or/and have you ever said no to a wedding that you didn't feel was a match for your photography style?
Yes, I try to guide people to choose the right photographer for them, and I know I am not for everyone’s taste, so if someone wants something different I try to recommend them other photographers.

35. How do you attract the clients that want you, and your style & work?
By being honest with the things I show on my website and the things I write on my blog and facebook.

36. Who or what makes you happy - really happy?
Who: My husband and people I have in my life and new people I meet. What: all the things I have already mentioned and a when I do a good job.

37. If you were to style your dream wedding shoot, how would it look?
An outdoor wedding full of love and life music played by friends and lots of dancing, somewhere warm.

38. What do you love about love?
The untold, the communication and the mutual respect between people who love each other.

39. What motivates you in your work?
My main motivation is making my clients happy and satisfied.  But another big motivation of mine is to share my images with others, showing them a bit of my world. I am very privileged that I get to photograph all kind of people and cultures, so I find it important to share it. In Denmark we all look and live quite alike each other, and we don't like to stick out too much. This motivates me to photograph people who goes against this mainstream,  individuals who has their own unique way of being and living, and hopefully it can make others see the beauty in this.



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16 Nov 2013

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