Saturday, June 2, 2012

Yes that's right, it's not a misprint. The fabulous Aussie's and creators of the UGG Boot have done the unthinkable - yep, they've created a bridal UGG collection.

Check out this fun picture from the NY Daily News was taken by Clarke Walker Studios and shows the bride wearing a pair of the bridal UGGs while the bridal party wear traditional ones.

You can read the full article at:

It's called the 'UGG I Do Wedding Collection' and consists of:
The 'Bailey Bling I Do' Boot (RRP: $225)

The 'Sparkles I Do' Boot (RRP: $190)

The 'Fluff Flip Flop I Do' Slipper (RRP: $80)

After a long day of standing, photos and saying your hello's to every guest how fantastically comfy would it be to throw off those stinging stilettos and wack on a pair of these at the reception?

We absolutely love them, but then again we love anything original and new (especially when it's shoes!). We would love to hear what you think so please give us your thoughts.

If you are interested in purchasing a pair of these gorgeous things you can find them at
UGG Australia:

The Wedding Gurus
02 Jun 2012

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