Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Sybil and Ryan decided it was time to get married and contacted me in mid March to officiate their wedding ceremony set for May 26, 2012--Memorial Day weekend. It is a very popular weekend for weddings, books up quickly and I always have multiple weddings that weekend. Luckily, I could squeeze their wedding in Durham in my schedule. We got to work creating their special ceremony. Finally the day arrived and it was beautiful. When Marty and I arrived at the home of Ryan's parents, the tent was set up, the cupcakes had arrived and so had the barbecue truck!
Everyone walked around to the front of the house where the ceremony would take place on the front porch. Sybil is speaking to her daughter, Anne Cailin, our flower girl, about what to do.
Anne Cailin scattered the pretty yellow petals as Sybil and Ryan processed to the front porch then she stood with us. Their young son, Paul, was held by one of his grandparents.
And so we begin with words of welcome, prayer, parents' blessing, community blessing and children's blessing. "Now, today, we witness the marriage of not only two individuals, but instead that of a family, who has been so fortunate to find one another, to enjoy one another, and to love one another, now and always."
Then it was time for me to tell their story followed by what they love about each other and why they want to marry.
 They spoke their vows to each other where they were printed in my book facing them.

"I want to live with you, just as you are.  
You are my beloved and my best friend.
I choose you above all others as my partner to share my life.
I promise to stand with you in times of joy, turmoil, and grief.  
I promise to be completely present with you. 
I promise to speak and to listen, 
to inspire and to respond, to honor and tenderly care for you,
to cherish and encourage you through all the changes of our lives."

 Exchange their rings......
 "Ryan and Sybil, you have told me and your friends and family members who have gathered here that you deeply love one another and wish to go forward in life together in matrimony.  It is therefore my joyful task to pronounce that you are now married. I invite you to seal your vows with a kiss!"

 Such a joyful moment! 
 Husband and wife, at last! 
Paul joins us for the photo bringing the hat he wants Anne Cailin to put on. We could not get him to turn around and face the camera! Paul and Sybil, congratulations and I wish you and your family all the best life has to give!
05 Jun 2012

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