Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Tom called me the end of February to see if I could officiate his and Alissa's wedding the evening of March 17, 2012. Delighted that I was available, I emailed him the contract and he mailed it to me with his check to reserve their date on my calendar. Then I wrote a "proposed" ceremony based on what he told me they wanted and what I thought they would like, emailed it to him and Alissa for their changes and to choose the vows they wanted. We were all set! I have done several weddings in the Angus Barn Wine Cellar and it is so much fun getting there. First of all, I must be escorted through the dining room into the kitchen down some curved stairs, through the chilly and dark wine cellar lined with floor to ceiling racks of bottles of wine, then through the door into the Wine Cellar dining room which is so elegant. I noticed that many of the chairs were draped with these pretty pink pashminas and assume they were gifts to the ladies from the couple. I have seen that done before and it so thoughtful of the couple.
Having arrived the first thing to do was to find the couple whom I had never met. So, I headed for the bar!
I knew that this woman in black with the cowboy hat and veil just had to be Alissa and it was!
I had no idea that these two were into horses and when I found that out, I got their horses' names and secretly planned a way to include them in the ceremony. 
Tom was dressed in matching black and hat so he was easy to find. We went over the vows and I got the two witnesses to sign the license in the kitchen of the Wine Cellar and collected the rings. Along the way one of their guests recognized me and told me I had married a couple of their friends and they were looking forward to this ceremony. That is always so nice to hear.
When everyone had arrived, I took my place in front of the fireplace and waited for the bride and groom to make their way there and for all the guests to gather around us. The first thing I asked them when they got in front of me was had they practiced kissing with their hats on? Did they have a plan for how to turn their heads? They assured me they did and demonstrated for me! So with that out of the way, we began.
At about this point in the ceremony I said: "If Tom and Alissa could have figured out a way to get                                "Easy" and "Tex" into the Wine Cellar, they would surely be guests this evening." They loved it and so did their guests who knew that those were their horses! 
Tom is reading his vows and had forgotten his reading glasses. I offered mine but he declined! Look at the green glow of my diamond ring--I've never seen that before!
They had no problem kissing with their hats on! 
The deed was done and it was time to have some fun! 
Alissa and Tom, what a great wedding you created! It fit you both to a tee! Alissa, that bouquet you made is so pretty and so fragrant! I am so honored to have been a part of your special day. I wish you all the best in your lives and in your marriage!

21 Mar 2012

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