Monday, March 19, 2012

Yesterday I was in Hancock's Fabrics looking for fabric and was distracted by the wonderful display of beautiful boxes they have. So, I snapped these pictures with my cell phone. Not only are the boxes pretty, they are on sale for 30% off and range from $5.99 to $29.99.
They are designed for storage but really are too pretty to hide in a closet. But, what I immediately thought of was that they could be used for the Memory Box or Wedding Box ceremony that couples lately find appealing.
They come in solids as well as designs. All different sizes. Some are hinged and some have the lift off lids.
These "suitcase" style boxes would be great for the Memory Box ceremony. It goes like this: "(Bride) and (Groom), I have asked you as a couple, to bring with you a memory box that holds many of the memories you have shared since you first met.  This box contains thoughtful notes that you secretly left for one another, all the monthly anniversary cards that you have given each other since the anniversary of your first date and many other saved memories that you shared together. This represents the foundation of all the years you will have together as a married couple.  Continue to add your memories and cards to this box so that on each of your wedding anniversaries you can open it and be reminded of your wonderful life together.

In addition I have asked each of you to write a letter to one another, expressing your thoughts about all the qualities that you love in each other. A lovingly hand written letter is one of the most romantic and sentimental gestures possible.  This letter will contain the thoughts and emotions you are now experiencing during this very exciting time in your lives.  You have both written your letters and sealed them in secrecy.  Today you will add these letters to this box of memories and will share them with one another upon your first anniversary and continue the tradition for subsequent anniversaries and beyond to reflect upon the reasons that you fell in love and vowed to marry one another on this day."
Another wedding ceremony is called the Wooden Wedding Box ceremony but the box does not have to be wooden. In this ceremony the couple places a bottle of wine and two wine glasses in the box then adds the love letters to it during the ceremony. They are instructed to never open the box until their 25th anniversary (or it could be any anniversary you choose) or: "Should you ever find your marriage encountering serious difficulties, I ask that before you make any irrational decisions, that you both, as a couple, open the box, drink some wine together, and then venture off into separate rooms to read the letters that you wrote to one another when you were united as a couple. By reading these love letters, you will reflect upon the reasons that you fell in love with each other in the first place. The hope here is that there will never be a reason for you to open this box, unless of course, it is for your ____ anniversary!"

Some couples choose not to put the wine and wine glasses in their box but instead put in mementos of their relationship like cards, tickets to events, sea shells and trinkets. Sort of like a time capsule. A lot of couples choose not to mention the part about having trouble in their marriage and just skip that! I can't say that I blame them! 

Hancock's had these pretty flower wreaths that are so colorful and cheerful they made me smile!
They could be centerpieces or some other decor at a wedding with the single flower in the middle.
I am amazed at the quality of artificial flowers these days and how real they look!
 Then there was this big box of pretty ribbon on sale! 
Hancock's also had some hairbands with white and off white fabric flowers on them to be worn like the "fascinator" hats so popular these days. I took a picture to show them to you but I ended up taking a video instead of a still photo and cannot load this onto the blog, unfortunately. But a bride could buy one of the pretty headbands with the wispy fabric flower, add a bit of netting and she would have a gorgeous head piece and veil. I think I will put these on Pinterest too on my Wedding Ideas board. Go see! 

19 Mar 2012

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