Monday, June 21, 2010

Steven's mother, Victoria, called me in mid-May to see if I could officiate the wedding of Steven and Heather on June 19, 2010. I was so happy that I was available and so we set up a meeting on May 24th and sealed the deal. When I realized that the wedding would be at the Alpha Delta Pi sorority house in Chapel Hill I remembered that many years ago I had done a wedding there for one of the sorority girls and Victoria was the house-mother back then--small world. I wrote a ceremony for Heather and Steven and sent it to them to review and make changes they wanted. I also wrote their "story" for them from the questionnaires they answered for me. When Marty and I arrived at the sorority house it was beautiful. The flowers were in bloom and the chairs and decorations in place. I rounded up the sand ceremony containers and sand and set that up. The upstairs of the sorority house reminded me of my days at the Sigma Kappa sorority at the University of Georgia, fond memories of long ago!

When it was time to begin, Steven and I took our places and his brother and best man, Patrick, escorted Victoria in down the front walk. Notice the outfit and shoes. Wonderful and so colorful. I had no idea of the color scheme for this wedding. The guys were so wise in wearing vests rather than the jackets on this 90+ summer day.
Then Derek, the brother of the bride and also a groomsman, escorted in his mother, Peggy. She knew what to wear to be cool!
Next in was Shelby carrying Stella, the couple's daughter, who was delivered over to Heather's mother for the ceremony.
Then Gina, maid of honor, made her entrance and took her place.
Our beautiful bride was escorted in by her father, Robert. What a beautiful wedding gown! Heather is such a beautiful young woman.
And so we began..........
Stella behaved herself so well during the ceremony. She was entertained by a cup of water her grandfather held. Even during the Child's Blessing for her she looked at me and seemed to understand what I was saying although at 14 months of age I doubt she did!
Heather and Steven both grew up in Detroit but their paths did not cross until one day in 2006 in Charlotte when Heather went into a Chili's restaurant for an interview and noticed Steven who was wearing a Detroit Tigers hat. He heard her talking about Michigan and perked his ears up. They ended up both working at Chili's and fell in love. And, as they say, the rest is history! They enjoyed hearing me tell their guests their story.
They made their vows and exchanged their rings. 
Then we had the family unity sand ceremony. Heather was represented by the white sand, Steven by the black, and Stella was the pink sand. It was so pretty.
No explanation needed here! 
Married at last!
Heather and Steven, you were meant for each other and I truly loved officiating for you. Stella is precious and I wish you and your family all the best!
isn't that a beautiful cake? I wish I had remembered to ask who baked it. Maybe someone will email me and tell me or put a comment on the blog.
Scott Paulson was both our DJ and photographer.

21 Jun 2010

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