Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Jennifer, Brian, and Brian's mother, Lynne, came to see me on March 28th to talk about their wedding ceremony which was scheduled to take place on the summer solstice, June 21st 2014 in Angier. Their venue was a lovely farm of a family friend out in the country in Harnett County. They had their hearts set on having the hand fasting ritual and Brian and his groomsmen wanted to carry arms. They are not in law enforcement but this was something that was really important to them. I told Brian I was okay with that as long as the guns were not fired at the wedding!! Brian is a very fine, respectful and intelligent young man I felt I could trust! He and Jennifer seemed very dedicated to each other and very much in love. And, you know, he brought his mom along--how sweet is that? So, they booked me as their officiant and we started crafting the ceremony to be exactly what they wanted.
The wedding day dawned on the warm side but no rain. Yay! Marty and I found our way to the address thanks to the assistance of my GPS I call "Jack" who was not entirely accurate, telling me to turn where there was no road but then getting a grip and "recalculating!"
A sweet tribute to Brian's father who has passed on from this earth.  
The back porch of the house was bustling with activity. The runner had been stretched out and was held down with little bags of bird seed. The guests had arrived. I collected the marriage license and my sound system was ready. Their family friend and our hostess, Sue, also acted as our wedding director and got everyone all lined up.  I loved the way she took charge! Thanks, Sue!
After the bride's grandmother was escorted in, it  was time for Mother of the Groom, Lynne, to be escorted down the aisle by her two grandsons, Cole and Dominic. (I asked everyone to please walk beside the runner and not on it so that it would be as smooth as possible for the bride and her father.)
 Mother of the Bride, Sandra, was escorted in by her son, James, and I presume that is her grandson she is carrying! 
 I am followed by Brian and his best man and two groomsmen--wow, do I feel protected or what! 
 Awaiting the bride!
Jennifer's father, Kenneth, proudly brings in his beautiful daughter who wisely wore flip flops to navigate the runner!
 And so we begin! 
Such a beautiful setting under that huge old tree with farmland and a pond in the background. We even had a little breeze cooling us off!
"There is an ancient Celtic tradition of binding a couple in marriage by handfasting.  As you join your hands, so your lives are joined.  Jennifer and Brian have each prepared themselves in their hearts to begin a new life, one built together on a strong foundation of love and respect.  In this, marriage is a rite of passage as their single life is left behind and they walk together bound by the ties of love. Brian and Jennifer, please clasp your left hands together – and with your hands, your hearts. I here bind your left hands together with this cord, which, like your love, holds you together, yet you maintain your individuality."
"And now please clasp your right hands together.  You begin your new journey in life shared, bound by your vows to each other. Many are the roads you will take, many the dreams you will share, and many the countless seasons you will spend together.  Your hands, thus joined, form the symbol of infinity, blessing your marriage in the eternal ebb and flow of the universe."  It looks like I am pointing my finger at Jennifer but what I am doing is tracing the shape of the infinity symbol with my finger. Then they made their vows to each other while their hands were joined. 
"Because you cannot always be physically joined, I hereby remove this cord which shall be symbolically replaced by your rings."
"These rings are symbols of the unbroken circle of love. Love freely given has no beginning and no end, no giver and no receiver for each is the giver and each is the receiver. May these rings always remind you of the vows you have made and the eternal love and devotion that you share today and always."
"Brian and Jennifer, by the love that has brought you here today, by the vows you have exchanged, and by the integrity of your commitment, it is my distinct pleasure to declare that you are now husband and wife.  Brian, you may kiss your beautiful wife!"  (Unfortunately we did not get a picture of the kiss. Maybe their photographer did!)
 Oh happy day! 
And off they go amidst the bubbles! (I did not know until after the ceremony that Jennifer was recovering from the flu. She emitted a few sniffles during the ceremony and was simply thrilled that she did not explode into a coughing fit during the ceremony. She managed to hold it back but after they recessed, the coughing ensued. I know that terrible feeling that you can't stop that little tickle in the throat!)
Jennifer quelled the coughing with help of her bridesmaids and Brian and a bottle of water. We posed for a photo of the three of us and Marty and I were off to the next wedding!

Brian, thank you for the wonderful review you posted on "Words can not express Kayelily. She did a beautiful job with our ceremony. She made everything involving it so much easier then we thought it would be. She spent as much time as we needed going over details finding out what we wanted and didn't want in our ceremony. After our ceremony all our guests came to us to express their feelings on how much emotion was put into the entire ceremony. We both would 100% recommend Kayelily to anyone. Kayelily, if your reading this as well thank you so very much once again." 

Brian and Jennifer, you have a wonderful life ahead of you and I wish you all the happiness in the world! 
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25 Jun 2014

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