Tuesday, December 3, 2013

I didn't realise just how much outdoor weddings could look so stunning, intimate or grand.  I spend a lot of my time researching decor elements and generally looking for design elements that I can suggest to my brides when coming up with a theme for their wedding. This research has led me to uncover some beauties which I simply must share with you all. A lot of them can be viewed on the Instagram page (@idoweddingsng) but for those of you who are not on Instagram enjoy the beauty that's in the outdoors…..

I love the lush yet intimate feel of this table setting.

Imagine this being the introduction you get when you are walking up the stairs to a wedding or event? It just goes to show that one can utilise every space no matter how little or seemingly insignificant it may be it can actually be made to look beautiful.

This is a different take on a gazebo or chuppah I think its an interesting way to dress the alter the lanterns on the floor and the mix of the greenery make it simple yet exquisit.

Who knew would could look so delicate and so pretty?

Joanna Krupa's outdoor wedding is stunning and I like the way her dress subtle mimics the flowers.

Heaven! My bias for white always comes through even for the outdoors, its so fresh so clean its as if one could almost smell the linens and the blooms.

This is a good example of how one could have nature feature at their wedding without having to sit outdoors in the heat.

For anyone who wants a small intimate wedding the pool side could actually be an excellent choice. Floating candles on the pool and stunning centre pieces could turn an otherwise mundane space into a lovely wedding reception.

I think the use of light bulbs here is not only functional but pretty. When put together like this with the yellow light they actually make for a sunning and warm feature.

03 Dec 2013

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