Tuesday, July 23, 2013

I usually don't enjoy having my picture taken at events etc however, owning a wedding solutions company and being a wedding planner I think its appropriate for you to know who I am and be able to put a face to I Do Weddings. In addition to this, our bridal boutique and office has been completed so I thought it would be nice to give you a look into the store and tell you a bit about it. As with everything I do, a lot of thought went into it. I hope you like it....

Timi Ejiwunmi- I Do Weddings, Love Tims

For my look, I channeled my inner Victoria Beckham and Olivia Pope, Kerry Washington's now famous character. I love Mrs. Beckaham's simple and clean sense of style and being a 'fixer' myself (albeit of the wedding variety), like Ms. Pope I went with the all white look.  Here are the shots taken by Jide Alakija of Alakija Studios, makeup was provided by the lovely Elaine Shobanjo of ShoMya.

The Bridal Boutique

The feel of the bridal boutique is light, airy inviting and not overtly girly, whilst my office is a reflection of me, take a look.....

With the bridal boutique my aim is for brides to have a proper bridal experience. This will be felt in the ambience of the room when you come in. Soft music plays in the background whilst we select dresses and discuss styles at your fitting. Brides will come in and leave the stress of the hustle and bustle that Lagos can be and focus on their wedding in a calm, organised and serene environment.

My Office

For my office, I chose wallpaper that has a damask print similar to my logo so that the look of the office ties in well with the essence of the brand and on the opposite wall I have a plainer wallpaper. Taupe is one of my favourite colours and so it features in its subtlety in my office. As it's my space its very reflective of me.

There is a contrast of white wood and dark wood my the office. I suppose the white side with the hydrangea's is a nod to the soft and girly side of my character, whilst the plain wallpaper and taupe blinds reflects another side to my personality. The less is more approach. 

Little accents; I love candles, photo frames, room fragrances etc

My seats are modern yet comfortable and they alongside my desk rest on plush carpet. I figure if I'm going to spend a considerable amount of time in my office it needs to be comfortable.

I love English literature so I have some classics in my book shelf, Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights and Thomas Hardy's Tess of the D'Ubervilles. I'm an Audrey Hepburn fan so a photo book of hers alongside the wedding planning books, interior design books and of course office files make up my book stand. When I get more images of the office I shall share them.

So that's a little peek into the bridal boutique and my office. If you have any wedding planning needs I hope you will visit. If you would like to book an appointment to visit the bridal boutique or to see me, you can send an email to info@idoweddingsng.com or call +2347177442. We are located in Lekki Phase 1, Lagos.

23 Jul 2013

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