Saturday, April 27, 2013

I received this email from Samantha on March 24th:  "I have been with my fiance for 6 years and we have been engaged for a year and a half but planning the wedding just hasn't come together for a big wedding due to family and friends being in Ohio. We decided last week that we would like to just have a smaller wedding and get married within the month.  The date that worked best for us is April 20.  I have not had a chance to make many plans yet but I have been reading your wedding blog and wanted to know if you are available." I replied that although I had weddings later in the day on the 20th, I would be delighted to host their wedding and officiate for them in my wedding garden earlier in the day. They came over on March 30th, loved the garden and we reserved 3:30 PM for them on April 20, 2013. I put together and emailed a proposed ceremony for them to review and tweak for themselves. It is important to me that the wedding ceremony fit the couple and is meaningful for them. The big day arrived and it was perfect for their wedding! The azaleas had popped into full bloom the day before.
Waiting for the guests and the bride to arrive......They brought their dog who was so cute. I did not even get his name!
I believe this is Samantha's niece. She was adorable. Love her metallic purple shoes and would love to have a pair just like them!
 Here comes our bride! 
Brent met her at the first arch and they walked down the aisle together to stop in front of me.
 View from my upper deck.
 Speaking to their mothers. 
The whole gang! See Samantha's friend Amy on the left with her violin which she played when Samantha processed in. Their photographer, Tula Kome, was on hand to take lots of photos too. 
Samantha and Brent, I so enjoyed your wedding. It was so much fun. I am so happy you contacted me and that you chose me to officiate for you. I wish you all the best!

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27 Apr 2013

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