Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Over the years we have seen the tradition of providing favors to guests attending weddings change.  The change has been to one of more social-awareness, often being manifested in the form of a donation to a favored charity.

This past weekend, Laura Ragno and David Foss had their wedding reception here at the Hawthorne Hotel, and they chose that method as well.  However, they found a way to make it even more thoughtful and fun, by the way they handled things.  The card that you see above was placed at each setting, letting their guests know about the donation in lieu of a favor.  The thing that makes it unique and fun is that surreptitiously Laura and David acquired photos of their friends' and family members' pets and made up this card with all of those photos.  Their dog is the bulldog in the top row, second from the right.

We felt this was a thoughtful, fun and personal way to make a donation-in-lieu-of-favors unique.  We hope you enjoy seeing their idea as well.

23 May 2012

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