Saturday, April 28, 2012

Marcia and Hugo planned a big party on April 28, 2012 at the Page-Walker Art and History Center to celebrate their marriage. They originally planned to just go down to the courthouse and get married the day before the party, then they began to have second thoughts about such an impersonal ceremony for this big milestone in their lives. Marcia called me in January to see if I could marry them before the party. I had a wedding at 4:30 that day but could marry them in my wedding garden earlier in the afternoon with just a few guests present. So, intrigued with the notion that they could have a custom ceremony if I was their officiant and curious about my garden, we set up a meeting.
They were thrilled with the possibilities of the ceremony, especially since I suggested they bring in elements from their diverse heritages. Hugo was born in Chile and his family moved to Los Angeles when he was 10 years old. Marcia's mother is of Italian lineage and her father Irish. I suggested the Wine Unity ceremony as a possibility and they ran with the idea. Hugo would get some Chilean wine and Marcia some Italian wine that they would pour together. Then they would do a toast after the ceremony with Irish Whiskey, Bushmills, to be specific. Bushmills distillery located at the very northernmost tip of Ireland is the world's oldest whiskey distillery--I happen to know because I was there last August and Marcia and Hugo were on a trip to Ireland last year as well. Hugo also wanted to include a reading by well-known Chilean poet, Pablo Neruda. So, we were good to go.

But plans changed a few weeks later when they decided that they would like to have the ceremony timed closer to the reception and in the garden next to the Page Walker Art and History Center in Cary where the reception was to take place at 7:00. We worked it out where I would get there as soon as I possibly could from the wedding before theirs, hopefully by 6:00.
Marty and I made it there easily and earlier than planned. When we arrived, Marcia was in the garden being photographed by Chad Williams, a talented young man still in high school just getting started with his photography career. This is our third wedding together this year! The CateringWorks truck was in the parking lot. Then Lenny Fritts, one of my very favorite DJs appeared on the scene! A surprise! I had recommended him to the couple but did not know they had booked him.
When we were ready to begin, Marcia's father, Ed, escorted her into the garden.
He started handing her off to Hugo when I said "Wait, I haven't asked the question yet!"
The question was "Who has the privilege of presenting this woman, Marcia, to be married to this man, Hugo?" He of course said he did and so the transfer was made.
Hugo's best friend. I am sorry I did not get his name! Maybe they will tell me and I will add it later!
On the left is Alexis, Hugo's sister, Chad Williams, and Lenny trying to duck out of the photo!
This was really a fun wedding. It was very loose and informal and we laughed a lot.
Marcia's brother Andrew, his wife, Michelle, Marcia's mother, Aggie, and her father, Ed.
Right here I am honoring and thanking everyone present at the ceremony and remembering Hugo's parents, Hugo and Pauline, who could not be with us this day.
Hugo made sure everyone heard his "I do!"  
Then Marcia said her "I do." 
Marcia's ring was snug and Hugo had to push it on her finger with some force but he made sure it got securely on her finger!
 "With this ring, I thee wed."
Pouring the Italian and Chilean wines together.......
 "Drink now and may your lives be full to running over!"
"As you have shared this wine, so may you share your lives. May you find life's joys heightened, its bitterness sweetened, and all of life enriched by a constant love." 
 The pronouncement of marriage.....
 And they kissed and kissed and kissed! 
Time for the Irish Whiskey! 
"To a long, happy and healthy life together. Cheers! Salud! Salute!
Marcia and Hugo, what a fun wedding! What a great couple you are. Thank you for allowing me to share a very important occasion in your lives. I wish you the very best life can bring your way....
28 Apr 2012

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