Sunday, June 19, 2011

David's sister, Jennifer, called me only a few days before the wedding on June 4, 2011 to see if I could officiate. The time and place worked in my schedule so David and I emailed back and forth to get the ceremony just the way they wanted it. They were brand new parents as Nichole had just given birth to their beautiful daughter, Madilyn, a week before the wedding! So, we included the family unity sand ceremony so Madilyn would symbolically be a part of this ceremony. 
David's sister did a wonderful job of putting this wedding together and David's other siblings helped out too. Jennifer had even arranged for the wedding to be at the Wingate Inn, bought a runner and flowers, coordinated the colors and planned out a processional. She also procured the containers and sand. After the grandparents and mother of the groom entered, I came in followed by Gerald, David's brother and best man, who had come from Massachusetts for this occasion. He was so proud to be holding sweet little Madilyn, only one week old!
Nichole's friend, Jennifer, served as her maid of honor and processed down the aisle.
 Then the flower girl but I did not get her name or how related to the couple. Bet she is a niece!
 Nichole was escorted in by her mother, Cindy.
This is our very active little ring bearer who ran up and down the aisle a few times and then was captured by his father and walked in with the pillow!
So, here we have the whole group. On the right are the bride's grandparents and on the left is David's grandmother and his mother, Catherine.
Nichole and David, what a sweet and touching wedding. I am honored to have been a part of it. God bless you and your sweet baby girl!
19 Jun 2011

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