Sunday, May 1, 2011

Christina called me in March about officiating hers and Joel's wedding on April 29, 2011--a very auspicious date! I was available (since I did not plan to attend THE Royal wedding that day!) and so we made all arrangements via email and US Mail and began planning their ceremony. When the wedding day arrived, it was the perfect weather for a wedding surrounded by nature. They chose Shelter #1 in Umstead Park from the Glenwood Avenue entrance for their ceremony.
One of their friends brought many pots of gorgeous hydrangeas that were filling the stone fireplace for the backdrop for the ceremony.
Christina was escorted in by her father, John, who had come from Massachusetts for the wedding. Here Joel and I are watching them walk down the aisle toward us.
John answered my question for him and transferred Christina's hand into Joel's.
Joel and Christina wanted a small private wedding with their parents and close relatives and friends. Christina's mother came from Wake Forest and Joel's parents from Southport. Another couple came all the way from Pasadena, California!
The ceremony was simple but sweet. They made their vows to each other and exchanged rings then it was time for me to pronounce them husband and wife. Did not get a picture of the kiss though!

Joel and Christina, my congratulations and best wishes for a long and happy marriage!
01 May 2011

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