Saturday, May 29, 2010

In October of 2001 I married Jennifer and Ted at Duke Gardens. Almost 9 years later on May 23, 2010, I married Jennifer's sister, Janice, and her fiance, Luke, at Duke Gardens. It was a family affair! Janice contacted me in June of 2009 and told me she wanted me to officiate. We handled everything through the mail and email then started on their ceremony without ever meeting. Of course I had met Janice back in 2001 at her sister's wedding but did not meet Luke until the rehearsal. Jennifer was her sister's Matron of Honor and Ted was Luke's Best Man and it was spectacular to see them again since I had not seen them since their wedding and found out they have two adorable children, Reagan and Parker, whom I got to meet at this wedding!
They also told me that the violinist on the left, Galen Tim, whose string trio was playing for Janice's wedding, was the ring bearer in their wedding in 2001~ small world! Obviously in 9 years he has grown in to a very talented young man. His group is called Melos String Ensemble.  The other two musicians are Daniel Boney and Steve Chung. They played wonderfully!
This is Jennifer being cued in by Christine, cousin of the bride, who was drafted to serve as our wedding director as well as be a reader. She did a fantastic job as both! Thanks, Christine! 
Melissa Kay of Melissa Kay Photography was our wedding photographer. I thought this was a great shot of her and the wedding party waiting for the bride's entrance! Go see this wedding on Melissa's blog here.
 Janice was escorted in by her mother, Gloria. Isn't Janice's wedding gown stunning?
When Janice appeared on the steps from the lower level, Luke stepped down to the bottom of the pergola steps to meet her and Gloria.
Gloria transfers Janice's hand into Luke's and mother and daughter kiss a symbolic good bye.
Christina read "Marriage Means Being In Love for the Rest of Your Life" by Chris Ardis. Then I read from First Corinthians Chapter 13. We paid tribute to the parents and remembered those who could not be with us this day. We also included the story of how Luke and Janice met and fell in love (funny story), moved from Ohio to North Carolina and are starting a new chapter in their lives.
Janice is saying her vows to Luke while placing the ring on his finger.
Time for the big pronouncement of marriage followed by the ...............
And now they are Mr. and Mrs. at last! Everyone is applauding as they make their way down the steps. 
And out they go so happily married to start their new life together as husband and wife. It is a thrilling moment! 
After the guests have departed to the Doris Duke Reception Center for the reception, we return to the pergola to take some pictures. Luke and Janice, what a great couple you are.........I wish you all the best in the world!

This is the reception setting before the wedding. The bride and her sister and bridesmaids were hanging out here staying cool. Fresh Affairs did these beautiful floral arrangements. 
I thought this was a most beautiful and unusual presentation of a cupcake wedding cake and top layer. Sugarland Bakery did a great job. Triangle Catering was doing the food which I know was delicious as always.
29 May 2010

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