Monday, February 23, 2009

Ellen's father, Christopher Greene, designed a logo of Ellen and Alex's initials, and they used it to personalize a number of the aspects of their wedding, such as the place cards, the program, and even the M & M's they used as their favors.

This book, called the Perfect 10, was filled with photos of Ellen and Alex growing up and meeting, and their friends and family. It was printed in hardbound, complete with a dust jacket.

More photos were displayed at the reception in the Essex Room, by the use of digital picture frames.

Who were the "Men in Black"? Two of the grooms best friends outfitted themselves with faux security-like earphones and dark glasses, and surprised the groom right before the ceremony. They certainly added a bit of levity to the proceedings, which we were able to capture on film.

When the company that 'printed' the M & M's received the logo from Ellen and Alex, they expressed concern that it might be a copyrighted symbol. They assured the candy-printing company that it was not, but that shows you the level of professionalism that these details had for this unique couple.
We loved the details that this couple (Alex and Ellen) utilized to make their wedding special. Are you doing something different and special? Be sure to let your catering manager know if you want your details blogged. We are happy to do this for you.
I hope to see you here.

23 Feb 2009

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