Thursday, November 20, 2008

Yeah, I've been a deliquent blogger, (hahaha, I love that name, so retared). But I'm back, and FULL of excuses. Which I won't unleash on you, any of you. But since peeps have been yelling at me to update and yaddyyaddyyadda, here I am. Racking my brian for something interesting, I find nothing. I would post pictures, but I have to get them off the camera, and I'm to lazy now. So I shall leave you with this from last satruday...
Me and Mishu saw some emo hipp-hoppers in Valencia, and I'm like, "Man those emos are so sad!" And Mishu's like, laughing and yelling in my ear..."Hahahahah the emos are so sad! Get it get it?"
20 Nov 2008

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