Monday, November 19, 2007

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Being in the wedding 'business' makes some of us incurable romantics at times. That was the case with this past Saturday's wedding of Jeff and Melanie. We found out on Saturday morning that Jeff was planning to, and did, write eight (8) love letters to Melanie, and secretly gave them to people she would be seeing during the day as she got ready for her wedding. The letters were handed to her during the day, and it just makes us all teary-eyed even thinking about something so romantic.

In these photos you see Jeff as he writes one of his letters to his bride, right in the lobby of the Hawthorne Hotel. In the last photo you see the two of them as they stand for a pose in front of their limousine for the evening.

We thought you might enjoy being in on this couple's romantic wedding day.

19 Nov 2007

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