Friday, August 24, 2007

Here is an e-mail that was sent to Amy Jacobson, our offsite catering manager, regarding a recent wedding that was held at the PEM and catered by us, Hawthorne Catering.

Its been a month and people are still talking about the wedding!

I just wanted to drop you an email to say thank you again for everything you did for both Danene and I. We truly had the time of our lives and wouldn't have changed a thing.

Everyone I talk too that came raved about the food, the room and the how perfectly the whole thing was run.Without your guidance and help, this process would have been nearly impossible. All the details and all the little things came together better than we could have ever hoped.

A few days after, Danene and I were talking and in going through the whole thing again, we couldn't find a point in which we were not having an absolute blast. In addition, could you please forward this email along to Natalia as she was just as instrumental in the evening. She was there the whole time and without her direction, it would have been a confused mess! She was
truly a professional and helped make the night as special as it was.

We have yet to get the actual photographer pictures yet but all the pictures from friends are stellar. As soon as we have the real ones, we'll be sure to let you know. For as long as people will bother to listen about how great it was, I will be recommending you guys without hesitation. It was a day that really could not have been any more exciting for both of us and you guys helped make that possible.

I hope you are having a great summer and we look forward to showing you the pictures!

24 Aug 2007

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