Geeeee, so very pretty. Sigh, if only I could have them it would be a dream come true (not actually but you know what I mean). I catch mysel...

Geeeee, so very pretty. Sigh, if only I could have them it would be a dream come true (not actually but you know what I mean). I catch mysel...
While not the color one would normally choose to use in our Ballroom, these photos show that this room is just neutral enough to work with v...
Me and Mel are offically twins...or so people say. But tell you see any resemblance??
Yep. This is what happens when you stick me and Ozie in a room, all alone, with only a rinky-dinky old computer to pass the time..... Anyway...
As you may already know, we are the preferred caterer for the functions held at the Peabody Essex Museum here in Salem. We also hold the liq...
MY SISTER DID IT!!!! She graduated today from medical school, with honors! I'm so proud of you big sis.
Here are two photos that I snapped from the Grandmother Windows overlooking the Ballroom. These windows were once used by the grandmoth...
I could not resist taking these photos on Friday night. The wedding set-up was so beautiful. They used an upgraded overlay on the ...
This Sucks, I Suck, You Suck, We All Suck....Long Live Stupid People. Screw This.
Indeed. What's left of our family headed off back to italy for a touching (cough cough) family reunion today (all, minus a prodigal sist...
Okay so here they are, just like I said. They're just a few pictures taken on different occasions so you can all see what I've been ...
Sent: Wednesday, October 01, 2008 10:16 AM To: Karen Cotton Subject: Thank you for an amazing night Karen, I just wanted to thank you and y...
Here they are! It is so nice to read that we have met and exceeded our guests expectations when we host a wedding for them. I hope that seei...
Yes I know, I haven't updated in a while. Bad llama...anyway, I shall update pictures very soon. So keep in touch. Toodles!